Nagarajar & Nagayakshi Puja
Nagarajar & Nagayakshi Puja
Nagarajar, Vasuki is the greatest of all Nagas and Nagayakshi is his consort. If Nagas get pleased, pitrs gets pleased. If nagas gets pleased, all navagrahas will favour him. If nagas get pleased, he will live the King size life on this Earth. Such is the mahattvam of Nagas in a nut shell. In nagaprashna vidya, the nine planets are replaced with the nine nagas through which nagadevatas help one to attain his destiny. This is the reason, if the nagas are pleased, navagrahas are pleased. But they have to be approached with sincere bhaya-bhakti.
On every Bharani Nakshatra; Nagarajar & Nagayakshi Puja will happen here.