

shiva panchAkshari

shiva panchAkshari

The panchAkshari nama:shivAya represents lord shivA who carries vairAghya as his bhUshaNa. And, this mantrA, though to the external eyes & limited mind represents shivA, purusha swarUpa – still here, swAmy is neither purusha nor strI nor napumsaka AND, he is all three as well..When OM – which is Ananda swarUpam added to it, this …

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Ucchishta GaNapati

Ucchishta GaNapati

Apart from his guHya sahasranAma, there is a normal sahasranAma that is given to us by sugrIvan which is entirely filled with bhakti rasa. It will just crush one’s heart like the sugarcane and for every nAmA, swAmy gets the juice of our crushed manas. In that he worships ucchishta gaNapati as raghuvamshadhvajAya, rAmAya, rakshitrE, …

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